Lecture: The Stock market

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Alexandria— In light of the growing interest in stock markets, both in developed and developing countries, the Library of Alexandria will hold a lecture entitled the "Stock market". Professor Mahmoud El-Shazly, a technical analyst of money markets and a member of the International Federation of ...

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The Importance of Industrial Automated Control, lecture at the BA

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Alexandria— The CSSP, an affiliate to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing a series of lectures in different fields that interest the society such as education, environment, and population growth. Within this framework, the BA is organizing a lecture on the importance of industrial automated ...

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Condoling the Loss of Naguib Mahfouz at the BA

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Alexandria — since the loss of Naguib Mahfouz to date the BA is still receiving masses of people offering their condolences on the loss of the First Arab Nobel Laureate in Literature. People write their words of sympathy and sorrow in Commemorative Book as a message of love and Farwell from the ...

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A Digital Guide At The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum

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Alexandria— In keeping with state-of-the-art digital technology, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has launched a new service for its Antiquities Museum visitors: the Digital Guide. This PDA-based device brings international prestige to the museum as it represents the latest generation of assistive ...

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Desertification in Egypt in a Lecture at the BA

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Alexandria— the BA Planetarium and Science Center is organizing on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 a lecture on Desertification in Egypt by Dr. Samer El-Mufti. The lecture will discuss the scientific aspects of desertification in general and its impact in Egypt in particular as part of the increasing ...

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