A Trip to the Moon

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium and Science Center (PSC) is holding a lecture entitled "Trip to the Moon" delivered by astronomer Ayman Ibrahim on Tuesday, 23 January 2006. The lecture presents the Moon, the nearest neighbor to Planet Earth, its characteristics, and its orbit in space. In the ...

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Egyptology Page Material on CDs

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Alexandria— the BA for the first time uploads the lectures published on the Egyptology page on the BA website on CDs as part of the "Lecture on CD" project. The project allows researchers to view the lectures in the Multimedia Library, in coordination with the Library Sector and the Information ...

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Her Excellency Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak Concludes Peace Convention

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Alexandria— Her Excellency the First Lady of Egypt Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, President of the Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), concluded yesterday 10 January 2007, the Second Roundtable of the Brainstorming Session on the subject of "Building a Protective Environment for Civilians in Armed ...

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A Voyage to the Sun Launched from the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA)

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Alexandria— the BA Planetarium Science Center is organizing a scientific lecture entitled "A Voyage to the Sun". The lecture studies the nature of the sun, its characteristics, and the tools and devices through which SOHO (Solar & Heliospheric Observatory) examines the sun. The lecture also ...

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Using Computer Technology in Arabic Calligraphy

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Alexandria— the BA Calligraphy Center is organizing on Monday, 15 January 2007 a seminar entitled "My Experience in Applying Computer Technology to Arabic Calligraphy" moderated by Mohamed Roteil. Artist Youssry Hassan will speak on the state of the art technologies and software that promotes the ...

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