Search results for "Arts Center"

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Call for Application: Tiffany Mosaic Workshop

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The BA Art School is announcing a call for application for its Tiffany Workshop on making mosaic lighting units. The five-day workshop will be under the supervision of artist Saad Romany. It is set to be held from 26 to 31 March 2017, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the BA affiliated Villa Roushdy. ...

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Results of BA Theater Production Grant and Premiere Project

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The BA Arts Center received 16 applications for its Theater Production Grant (2016/17) and the submitted projects underwent the following selection process: Stage one: Incomplete projects or projects that did not adhere to the terms and conditions were eliminated (two projects). Stage two: The 14 ...

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Rima Khcheich at the BA

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As part of the 14 th International Summer Festival, The BA Arts Center is organizing a concert for the Lebanese Artist Rima Khcheich on Friday, 26 August. The concert is going to be held at 8:30 pm at the BA Open Air Theater (BA Plaza). Rima Khcheich is a Lebanese singer, and she is considered one ...

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Paper Theater Workshop: Call for Participation

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The BA Arts Center is announcing a call for participation in its Paper Theater Workshop, led by Atef Abou Shehba. The workshop will teach participants how to create miniature theaters, props, and paper marionettes and will conclude with a show performed by the participants. The workshop will be ...

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