The BA Launches the Science Supercourse Project

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Alexandria— The BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP) and the WHO Collaborating Centre, Pittsburgh, under the fund of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, will be holding the “Science Supercourse Day” to launch their new Project the Science Supercourse, on 5-6 January ...

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“Mirage and Reflection” Art Exhibition at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center, will organize an exhibition entitled “Mirage and Reflection” for Pia Andersen and Lise Allam, from 8 to 24 January 2009. The exhibition features a selection of Andersen’s and Allam`s artworks and showcases their unique talents. Pia Andersen, the Danish painter ...

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The BA Celebrates the Star of the East and the Diva of Arabic Song

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Alexandria— The BA Arts and Multimedia Library will celebrate the birthday of Om Kolthoum, the Diva of Arabic Song, on Monday 22 December 2008 at 16:00 hrs. The event commences with a presentation by the BA Arts and Multimedia Library on Om Kolthoum’s personal life. The presentation features ...

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