Search results for "Young People’s Library"

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The BA Celebrates World Children's Day

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The BA Children and Young People's Libraries are organizing an event in celebration of the World Children's Day under the title "Around the World in a Day", in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNICEF, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), ...

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The BA Launches the 16-Day Campaign to Combat Violence against Women

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The BA Women Studies and Social Transformation Program (WSST), and the Children and Young People’s Libraries – in cooperation with the National Council for Women, the UNHCR, CARE Egypt Foundation, and Caritas-Egypt – are organizing a 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, under the ...

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BA Concludes Mid-Year Program for Children and Young People

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The BA Children’s and Young People’s (YP) Libraries had organized a program of various activities and events during the 2018 mid-year vacation. The program included cultural, artistic, scientific, educational, and recreational activities that cater for people of different ages and interests. Both ...

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2017 YP Library Summer Program Closing Ceremony

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The BA Young People's (YP) Library is organizing its annual celebration marking the closing of its 2017 Summer Program on Wednesday, 30 August 2017. This year’s annual celebration is titled “We Believe in You”. YP Library members who actively participated and excelled in this year’s summer program ...

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BA Concludes Anglophone Preparatory Schools Competition

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The BA Young People’s (YP) Library held the closing of the Anglophone Preparatory Schools Competition on Monday, 27 February. The competition was organized by the YP Library for preparatory school students for the seventh consecutive year. This year’s competition was part of the BA 15 th ...

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