A High Profile Jordanian Delegation at the BA

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Alexandria— Dr. Ghazi Shbeikat, Minister of Labor of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon, accompanied by a high profile delegation visited the BA on Saturday 8 August 2009. The delegation was accompanied by Aisha Abd El-Hady, Minister of Manpower and Migration of Egypt, and received by Ambassador ...

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India’s Independence Day at the BA

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Alexandria— On the Occasion of the 62nd Anniversary of India’s Independence, the BA Arts Center is organizing a series of events, in cooperation with the Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture (MACIC). An exhibition entitled "Gandhi: His Life and His Message" is held from 16 to 20 August 2009. ...

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The BA Commemorates Mahmoud Darwish One Year After His Death

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Alexandria— The BA organizes on Sunday, 9 August 2009, an event commemorating the Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish one year after his death. Mahmoud Darwish (13 March 1941 – 9 August 2008) is one of the pioneers of modern Arab poetry and was regarded as the Palestinian national poet. ...

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