Search results for "Arts Center"

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Rotterdam Shorts (2) at the Shorts Films Forum

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The BA Arts Center organizes on 2 May 2010 the monthly Short Films Forum titled “Rotterdam Shorts (2)”. Since 1998, an annual competition is organized in Rotterdam for films shot in Rotterdam or whose film makers are citizens of the city. Screenings of the following films will take place: The ...

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Short Films Forum Screens Rotterdam Shorts

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The BA Arts Center organizes on 4 April 2010 the monthly Short Films Forum titled “Rotterdam Shorts (1)”. Since 1998, an annual competition is organized in Rotterdam for films shot in Rotterdam or whose film makers are citizens of the city. Screenings of the following films will take place at the ...

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The Creative Forum for Independent Theater Groups at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center organizes the Seventh Edition of the Creative Forum for Independent Theater Groups (Europe- Mediterranean) from 1 to 10 February 2010. Twenty-three European and Mediterranean countries will participate in this edition of the Forum, namely: Algeria, Austria, Czech, ...

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The Second Edition of the Plaza Project

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center announces the second edition of the Plaza Project, a short films production project that take place entirely at the BA Plaza, under the supervision of renowned Director Daoud Abd El-Sayed The idea is not limited to the Plaza as a location; it extends to the concept ...

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