Search results for "Arts Center"

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Black Theater Workshop: Call for Participation

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The BA Arts Center is announcing a call for participation in its Black Theater Workshop, which will be led by Mohamed Fawzy. The workshop includes training on Black Theater techniques and will conclude with a show performed by the participants. It will be held from 12 to 16 January 2016 in the BACC ...

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Mosaic Portrait Workshop

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The BA Arts Education Section is announcing a call for participation in its Mosaic Portrait workshop, which will be led by artist Saad Romany. The five-day workshop will be held during 7–11 February 2016, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Participants should not be younger than 16 years old with a maximum ...

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Micro Mosaic Jewelry Workshop

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The BA Arts Education Section is announcing a call for participation in its Micro Mosaic Jewelry Workshop, which will be led by artist Saad Romany. The five-day workshop will be held from 31 January until 4 February 2016, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Participants should not be younger than 16 years ...

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Call for Participants in Organizing Theater Festivals Workshop

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The BA Arts Center, in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts’ Theater Department at the University of Alexandrina, is pleased to announce a call for participants for a workshop about organizing theater festivals. The workshop will be given by Dr. Gamal Yakout, a teacher at the Theater Department, ...

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