References Services Resumed via Telephone and Email

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The BA is glad to announce that it resumed its Reference Service via telephone and email as of 14 February 2011, Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 to 3:00 pm, except tomorrow Tuesday, 15 February 2011, Prophet Mohamed's Birthday. Email: Telephone: 4839999- Extension: 1575 ...

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Under the Protection of the People

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Alexandria saw massive demonstrations throughout the city ( see video ) leading to the stepping down of President Hosni Mubarak. The Library was protected by the people who joined hands around the building. Young students from the university designed and made a huge National Flag, and put it on the ...

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To all Our Friends Around the World:18 Days that Shook the World

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Thank you for your many messages of solidarity and support throughout these last two weeks. And a salute to Egypt’s wonderful youth, who changed the course of history through peaceful demonstrations. The moral power of non-violence was never more ably deployed for the cause of more freedom, more ...

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A Salute to the Great Youth of Egypt

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To the great youth of Egypt, the leaders of the Egyptian revolution of 25 January 2011, I salute you. For … in the nobility of your spirit, in the exuberance of your youth, in the quality of your contacts, in the unsullied idealism that you possess, in the dedication to our common humanity ...

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