Serageldin Chosen as Vice President of the Institut d’Egypte

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At an urgent meeting held at El-Sennary House on 26 December 2011, Dr. Mohammed El-Sharnoubi, Secretary General of the Egypt’s Science Academy, the Institut d’Egypte, announced that Dr. Ibrahim Badran was chosen as the new President of the Academy, and Ismail Seragelin as the Vice President. ...

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Lecture on Egypt and the Nile Basin Countries

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The BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World-Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO) holds a lecture entitled “Egypt and the Nile Basin: Between Past, Present and Future” on Tuesday, 27 December 2011. The Lecture hosts Dr. ...

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A Press Conference in El-Sennary House

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Affiliated to the BA, El-Sennary House based in Sayeda Zeinab district, organizes today, 26 December 2011, a press conference during which Dr. Mohammed El-Sharnoubi, Secretary General of the Egypt’s Academy of Science, will unveil the latest resolutions adopted by the Academy of Science Board of ...

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TWAS BioVisionAlexandria.NXT 2012

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The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World BioVisionAlexandria.NXT (TWAS/BVA.NXT) 2012 is the third BVA.NXT to be organized in Alexandria. It is held on 21 and 22 April 2012, under the theme: “Scientific Innovation in the Developing World: From Theory to Practice”. TWAS/BVA.NXT 2012 intends ...

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Memory of Modern Egypt Outreaches to Cairo Schools

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The BA “ Memory of Modern Egypt ” (MoME) project launched a campaign in Cairo’s secondary schools to introduce the project to Egyptian students. MoME is considered the biggest digital repository documenting Egypt’s modern history. The initiative aims at enhancing student’s cultural, historical and ...

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