Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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PSC Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) organizes a workshop entitled “Celebrating the Future” on the occasion of its 10 th anniversary on Saturday 18 February 2012. The workshop hosts a group of volunteers, who actively participated in different PSC activities, and represented Egypt in many ...

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PSC Mid-Year Program 2012

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is organizing its mid-year program for children and young people from 6 to 16 years old, from 29 January to 9 February 2012. The program has various activities that suit different tastes and age groups including Planetarium shows, scientific films, visits to ...

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The National Youth Chess Tournament at the BA

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) organizes the “National Youth Chess Tournament” from 12 to 19 June 2011, under the auspices of the Egyptian Chess Federation. The Tournament targets young people under the age 8, 10, 12, and 14. Participants will also include PSC chess club members, chess ...

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The PSC Screens a New Show Space Opera

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will present, starting from April 2011, Space Opera ; a brand new Italian production. The Show is a collaboration between “Timeline360”, the Planetarium of Milano, NASA and European Space Agency (ESA), with technical support from the PSC staff. Space Opera ...

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Observation of the Partial Solar Eclipse

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The Planetarium Science Center (PSC) organizes a public session to observe the partial solar eclipse from the BA Plaza on Tuesday, 4 January 2011. Participants will have the opportunity to view the phenomenon through special optical instruments with the help of specialized astronomers. Following ...

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