Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Training Courses at the BA Planetarium Science Center

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The BA Planetarium Science Center, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, and under the auspices of the US Embassy in Cairo, organized a training course for the PSC workshop mentors and science club teachers. The course aimed at introducing new scientific methods that focus on the ...

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The BA observes the phases of the solar eclipse

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The BA Planetarium Science Center performed an astronomical observation of the solar eclipse that took place on Sunday, 21 June 2020. The observation was aired on the Center’s Facebook page, where viewers were able to follow the phases of the eclipse, accompanied by Dr. Omar Fikry, Head of the ...

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Planetarium Science Center Midyear Program 2020

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The BA Planetarium Science Center organizes its midyear program 2020 for children and young people aged 4 – 15 years, from Sunday, 26 January 2020 to Thursday, 6 February 2020. Registration starts on Sunday, 12 January 2020, and continues until all places are reserved through the following ...

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The BA Launches the PSC School Year Program 2019/2020

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The BA Planetarium Science Center launches its School Year Program 2019/2020, which offers school students a comprehensive edutainment scientific experience, specifically tailored to their academic calendar. The program includes workshops, “super science shows”, lectures, fieldtrips, camps, ...

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The BA Planetarium Science Center Presents the Ultra-Light Show

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The BA Planetarium Science Center presents the Ultra-Light Show (Black Theater), which consists of two major shows; the first is the “Marine Life” show, which takes place on Thursday, 11 July 2019, at 4:00 pm, and aims to impress the public with the wonders of the beautiful creatures of the ocean ...

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