Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Lecture: The Real Science behind the Search for Alien Life

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Alexandria, 11 May 2005— Within the Einstein Symposium awareness campaign, organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 4-6 June 2005, the Planetarium Science Center, in cooperation with the British Council, is organizing a video conference with the University of Leicester, UK. A lecture entitled The ...

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The KEO satellite to carry our messages to the future generations

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Alexandria, 11 May 2005— The Planetarium Science Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing a lecture on the KEO satellite, on 12 May 2005 by Mr. Jean-Marc Philippe, President, KEO Project; Member of the International Society for Art, Science and Technology; and Member, European Academy of ...

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Lecture on obesity and its treatments

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Alexandria, 10 May 2005— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing a lecture on obesity, by Dr. El-Said El-Kayal, 12 May 2005, who will shed light on this affliction that according to the World Health Organization has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults ...

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Astronomical events during April

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Alexandria, 13 April 2005— The month of April will witness many astronomical events, seen with the naked eye, announced Omar Fekry, astronomer at the Planetarium Science Center (PSC) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Without using observatories, Saturn, Jupiter, as well as the spring constellations ...

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Exploratorium closes for Robo Alex Center inauguration

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Alexandria, 7 April 2005— In preparation for the inauguration of the Robo Alex Center at the Exploratorium of the Planetarium Science Center (PSC), the Exploratorium will not be able to receive visitors from 10-14 April 2005. The Robo Alex Center activities, targeting both girls and boys, aged 12 ...

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