Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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All You need to know about HEPATITIS C

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Alexandria — The Planetarium Science Center, an affiliate to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in collaboration with the Department of Health Awareness at the Salama Hospital, is organizing a lecture on Hepatitis C, on 10 August 2006. The lecture will be given by Professor Ahmed Sobhy El Shazly, ...

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Summer Scientific Activities at the Planetarium Science Center (PSC)

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Alexandria — the Bibliotheca Alexandrina PSC is an interactive knowledge facility in different fields of science, especially physics and astronomy. In this context, the scientific program of the PSC during the summer includes lectures and workshops targeting students and youth from different age ...

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A Journey to the Sun Launched from the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA)

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Alexandria — the BA Planetarium Science Center is an interactive knowledge facility covering different fields of science, especially physics and astronomy. The center aims at disseminating scientific knowledge through exhibitions and workshops to the public. The center serves as an educational ...

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