Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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Cavafy Symposium 2019

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Following the huge success of  the Cavafy Symposium 2017, the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, in cooperation with the BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med), the Ministries of Culture of Greece and Egypt, Cairo Opera House and the Greek Cultural Center, and under the ...

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BA Organizes 3D Show about the Legendary Cleopatra

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The BA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities, is organizing an outstanding 3D video mapping titled “Legendary Cleopatra”. It will be projected on the façade of the Qaitbey Citadel on 17 September 2015 at 7:00 pm and will be repeated every 45 minutes. Using the technology of augmented ...

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Hassan Fathi Award for Architecture 2016

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), in cooperation with the Architecture Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture, is announcing the call for the 2016 Hassan Fathi Award for Architecture. This year’s award will address the following topics: First: Projects of Recreational Buildings and Shopping ...

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