Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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Conference on Management of the Shared Mediterranean Heritage

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Alexandria, 20 March 2005— The Alex-Med Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing the 5 th conference on modern heritage, entitled International Seminar on the Management of the Shared Mediterranean Heritage , 29-31 March, in cooperation with the French Institut de Recherche pour le ...

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The BA Re-issues Mahmoud Pasha Al-Falaki’s Ancient Alexandria

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) re-issued A Message on Ancient Alexandria ; a book written by Mahmoud Pasha Al-Falaki, a pioneer of modern astronomy and archaeoastronomy. The original copy of the book was first published in French, in Copenhagen, in 1872, while the ...

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Japanese Television at the BA

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A delegation sent by the National Japanese Television Network visited the BA to film a documentary on Queen Cleopatra. The delegation recorded an interview with Dr. Mohammed Mustafa, Director of the Department of Underwater Antiquities in Alexandria, and they also conducted an interview with ...

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