Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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Book Signing of Alexandria in a Cloud

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med) hosts on Thursday, 14 March 2013, the Book Signing Ceremony of Ibrahim Abd El-Meguid’s newest novel Alexandria in a Cloud (Al-Eskandareya fi Ghayma). The novel is part of his Alexandria Trilogy. Set in the Alexandria of the 1970s, it ...

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Photography and Mosaic Workshops for Youngsters

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The BA Child and Adolescent Creative Unit, in collaboration with the BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (AlexMed) holds a photography workshop for young people under the supervision of Dr. Yasser Aref and Photographer Abdallah Dawestashy. Another workshop, entitled “Mosaic Scenes”- ...

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“A Chat with Egyptians on the Nile” at the BA

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) holds a seminar for Fulbright participants on 3 August 2010 entitled “A Chat with Egyptians on the Nile”. The seminar is designed to assist participants acquire knowledge on Egypt, and in particular cosmopolitan Alexandria, in a U.S. ...

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