Search results for "Arts Center"

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Student Film Competition- Cannes 2008 at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center is organizing on Sunday, 3 May 2009, screening of the films participating in the Student Films Competition at Cannes 2008. Film screenings will include: Stop Directed by Park Jae-Ok –South Korea – Animation – 2008 – 6 min. Forbach Directed by Claire Burger ...

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Exhibition and Lecture about the Danish Expedition to the Orient

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center is organizing an Exhibition entitled “Danish Expedition to the Orient 1761- 1767” from 26 April to 16 May 2009. A Lecture entitled “The Life and Travels of Carsten Niebuhr” will also take place before the opening of the Exhibition. Niebuhr was part of the expedition ...

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The First Alexandrina Contemporary Music Biennale at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center in cooperation with the Cairo Opera House are co-organizing the First Alexandrina Contemporary Music Biennale from 25 April to 1 May, 2009. The Biennale is an international music gathering, aiming to present world contemporary music in Egypt. It will feature ...

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The First Spring Festival for Arabic Music at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center, in cooperation with Selim Sahab Association, are organizing the First Spring Festival for Arabic Music from 10 to 16 April 2009. Several artists will participate in the Festival, namely: Sara, Marwan Khoury, Souma, Hisham Elhag, Reham Abdelhakim, Amr Selim, Mai, ...

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