Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Portuguese Minister of Defense Visits the BA

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Alexandria— HE Mr. Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Portuguese Minister of Defense, accompanied by a senior delegation will visit the BA on Thursday, 27 December 2007, as one of the cultural and scientific landmarks in Egypt and the entire world and to discuss means of cultural cooperation between ...

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The BA Hosts the World Space Environment Forum (WSEF2007)

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Alexandria— The BA will organize during the period from 20-25 October 2007, the third World Space Environment Forum (WSEF2007), which is jointly organized by the BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) and the World Institute for Space Environment Research (WISER) of the National Institute for Space ...

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The Wonders of the Cosmos in the Planetarium Shows During Ramadan

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will present during Ramadan a group of shows on the universe and its various planets to explore the wonders of the cosmos and discover the mysterious world of astronomy through the various live multi-media shows the planetarium presents. The ...

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