Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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The Planetarium Science Center Summer Festival 2008

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Alexandria— The Planetarium Science Center (PSC) started the Summer Festival 2008 registration for children in primary, preparatory and secondary schools, on Sunday 1 June 2008 and will end upon full reservation of available places, at the PSC, ALEXploratorium entrance from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm. ...

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Science Becomes Yours! in a Festivity at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is organizing on 23 -25 April, 2008, a local science festival, entitled “Science Festivity, When Science Becomes Yours! ”. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, General Adel Labib, Governor of Alexandria, Dr. Yousry ...

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The Electronic Resources Center (ERC), Sharing the Knowledge!

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center’s (PSC) mission is to communicate science in an informal and attractive manner to the public at large with special emphasis on children and youth. The five-year old Center looks at international institutions that have led the way in this relatively ...

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The North Africa and Middle East Science Centers Network (NAMES)

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Alexandria— The BA will host the North Africa and Middle East Science centers network (NAMES) meetings on 30 and 31 January 2008. NAMES was launched on 30 January 2006 during a meeting initiated and organized by the BA Planetarium Science Center. The purpose of creating NAMES is to foster ...

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