Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Siemens’ “Discovery Box” Workshops

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will host Siemens’ “Discovery Box” workshops for children 5–13, on Monday 21 July 2008, from 12:00–3:00 p.m. at the BA Conference Center Multi Purpose hall. Children’s participation in the workshops is free of charge. The “Discovery Box” is ...

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Interact with Today’s World "ITW’08" Conference at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC), in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is organizing a conference entitled Today’s World "ITW ‘08", 13 -15 July 2008. Engineer Hoda El Mikaty, PSC Director stated that ITW’08 will be an open portal ...

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The BA Planetarium Science Center Hosts the Science Bus

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is hosting the Science Bus team, from 5 July to 16 August 2008. The French Science Bus Association (Sciences Buissonnières) is touring the West African region, Arab Maghreb and the Middle East, as part of mobile workshop project, with the ...

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“Solar Energy, the Primadonna Power” a Lecture at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is organizing a lecture titled, “Solar Energy, the Primadonna Power”, by Dr. Hermann Scheer, on Wednesday 9 July 2008. The lecture will illustrate the potentials of Photovoltaic (PV) renewable energy. Although PV generates a small percentage ...

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The BA Celebrates the World Environment Day (WED)

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center will celebrate the World Environment Day at the BA, in cooperation with the Wadi Environmental Science Center and the British Council, 10-13 June 2008. The slogan for this year is "CO2, Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy". Celebrated each ...

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