Search results for "Center for Islamic Civilization Studies"

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The BA Releases the Seventh Issue of Memory of Arabs Magazine

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The BA Center for Islamic Civilization Studies, in cooperation with the “Memory of Arabs” project, has released the seventh issue of The Memory of Arabs magazine, which comes as a continuation of the sixth issue that was devoted to the topic: “Cairo: the Crossroads of Cultures and Civilizations, ...

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The BA Releases the Fourth Issue of Memory of Arabs Magazine

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The BA Center for Islamic Studies released the fourth issue of The Memory of Arabs magazine, in cooperation with the "Memory of Arabs" Project. This special issue is dedicated to equestrian and martial arts in the era of the Mamluk sultans – a topic that was the focus of an international ...

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Islamic Art in China

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The BA Islamic Civilization Studies Program, in cooperation with the House of Wisdom in China, has recently published Islamic Art in China , authored by Yang Guiping and translated by Dr. Ahmed Amin. The book traces the history of Muslims in China, their architectural and artistic monuments, and ...

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Islamic Architecture in Greece: Mosques

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The BA Center for Islamic Civilization has recently published Islamic Architecture in Greece: Mosques by Dr. Ahmed Ameen, with an introduction written by Dr. Mostafa el Feki, Director of the BA The book records the heritage of Islamic architecture in Greece, most of which dates back to the ...

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