Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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The International Day of Astronomy at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will celebrate the International Day of Astronomy on Thursday, 7 May 2009. The International Day of Astronomy is one of the activities of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009) intended to provide a means of interaction between the ...

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Frontiers of Space Astrophysics Conference at the BA

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Alexandria— In the Framework of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) 2009 and the Italian-Egyptian Year of Science, the BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is organizing a Conference entitled “Frontiers of Space Astrophysics” from 2 to 4 April 2009. Held under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Hany ...

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Closing of the Astronomy Olympiads at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will host Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman and Dr. Robert Williams, who will give lectures on Saturday, 28 March 2009, as part of the Astronomy Olympiad closing event, one of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) activities, also organized by the PSC. ...

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Professor Mostafa Elsayed in a Lecture at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) is organizing a lecture entitled “Nanotechnology Science” by eminent Professor Mostafa Elsayed on Sunday, 29 March 2009. Dr. Elsayed will speak about Nanoscience and the properties of nanometer materials. He will also discuss Nanotechnology and ...

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