Documentary on the Library of Alexandria premiers

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Alexandria, 7 April 2005— The documentary, entitled Bibliotheca Alexandrina , premiered in Bonner Kinemathek, Germany, on 12 March 2005, on the occasion of the German Librarians Day. Directed by Anke Limprecht, the documentary (17 min) highlights the ancient library of Alexandria (built in 295 ...

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Mrs. Mubarak in Copenhagen for HCA bicentenary celebration

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Alexandria, 7 April 2005— H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), was invited, as Honorary Hans Christian Andersen (HCA) Ambassador, to attend the celebration of the bicentenary of the famous Danish writer, HCA, in ...

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2004 BA Research Grants underway

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Alexandria, 6 April 2005— The Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), one of the seven research institutes at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), organized meetings, 23-24 March 2005, to discuss the technicalities pertaining to the research grants of the BA Research Grants program, as well as ...

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