Search results for "Manuscripts Center"

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Manuscripts and Arabic Script-Writing in Africa

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In a fruitful cooperation between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Islamic Manuscript Association, the book Manuscripts and Arabic Script-Writing in Africa was published, which comprised the work of the Arabic-Script Manuscripts in Africa Conference, held in partnership between the two ...

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“Figures Immortalized in History” at the Manuscripts Museum

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The BA Manuscripts Center and Museum are organizing a series of lectures and workshops for children and school students aged 9 - 12, under the title: "Figures Immortalized in History", from 2 July to 27 August 2024. The lectures aim to introduce students to the history of the ancient Library of ...

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“Editing Folkloric Texts” in a Forum at the BA

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The BA Manuscripts Center organizes a forum entitled “Editing Folkloric Texts (The Reality and Method)” on 22 and 23 June 2022, in the BACC Lecture Hall. The Center is honored to invite researchers with an interest in the heritage field – particularly folklore and its different streams, origins, ...

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“Music in Arabic Folklore” in a Webinar at the BA

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The BA Manuscripts Center organizes a webinar entitled “Music in Arabic Folklore.” It will be delivered by Dr. Abbas Soliman, Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Arabs’ History of Science; and Dr. Amal Khalifa El-Tayeb, PhD in the Heritage of Folk Music. The event will be moderated by Dr. Medhat ...

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