The First Film Festival for Intercultural Dialogue

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Alexandria — the BA Arts Center, in cooperation with the Audio-Visual Development Foundation (Cadre), and the Supreme Council for Culture in Cairo is organizing the First Film Festival for Intercultural Dialogue from 11-21 September 2006. The festival is the first to exclusively present films on ...

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New Solar System in a Lecture at the BA

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Alexandria — the BA Planetarium Science Center PSC is organizing on Tuesday, September 5, a lecture on the new solar system, which now includes eight planets instead of nine. The lecture will give the new definition of the word planet, the classification of different planets in the solar system, ...

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Leading Your Career, Leading Your Society Workshop

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Alexandria— the BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP) is organizing on Friday, September 1 2006, a three-day workshop entitled ‘Leading Your Career, Leading Your Society” under the auspices of Alexandria Governate, in cooperation with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST), ...

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The BA Shares the Sorrow for the Loss of Naguib Mahfouz

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Alexandria— The Library postpones most of its events to permit international and Egyptian intellectuals-who were scheduled to attend these events- to mourn the great loss of the first Arab Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfouz in Literature, who left a great treasure of literary works. The first event to ...

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Scientific Research in Developing Countries: Building a New Future

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Alexandria— the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, TWAS, is convening its 10th General Conference, its 17th General Meeting, and concurrently, the developing World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO) will hold its executive board meeting and 9th General Assembly entitled ...

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