Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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“The Ancient Mediterranean” in a lecture at the BA

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Alexandria — the Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med) is organizing a lecture entitled “the Ancient Mediterranean” on Monday, 4 September 2006, which is the third lecture in the cycle of lectures “Thinking the Mediterranean”. The lectures create a channel for dialogue, ...

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Digital Reconstruction of the Vanished Pharos of Alexandria

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Alexandria — Alex-Med is a late-comer of a consortium of European and Mediterranean partners within the framework of the Strabon Program. The Program objective is to build a web portal which aims to raise awareness and share the cultural heritage of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean ...

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Lecture: The Mediterranean narratives

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Alexandria — The Mediterranean narratives, the second lecture of “Thinking the Mediterranean” cycle of lectures. Was presented by Dr. Thierry Fabre and Elias Khoury. The Mediterranean culture, depicted in fiction novels, superstitious stories, historical texts, as well as many other literature ...

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