Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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The PSC Observes Solar Eclipse over Alexandria

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Alexandria— The Planetarium Science Center (PSC), will observe on Friday, 15 January 2010, a partial solar eclipse, which will be visible in the skies of Egypt. Celebrating this celestial spectacle, the PSC invites the public to participate in observing the eclipse from the BA Plaza. PSC ...

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FameLab: A Competition to Discover Scientific Talents at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA hosts on Saturday, 19 December 2009, FameLab Competition, organized by the British Council and the Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Program, affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Hundred participants take part in this competition from ...

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Arab Astronomers Exhibition at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA History of Science Museum hosts an Exhibition entitled “Arab Astronomers”, focusing on the Arab Scientists and their contributions to Astronomy. An inauguration Ceremony takes place on 6 December 2009. The Exhibition is held during the Arab Astronomers Week, and is a part of ...

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Opening of the Legacy of Volta Exhibition

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Alexandria— The Inaugural Ceremony of “The Legacy of Volta: From the Battery to Photovoltaic Electricity” Exhibition was held at the BA Auditorium on Monday, 9 November 2009. The Ceremony included opening speeches by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria; Engineer Hoda ...

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