Search results for "Manuscripts Museum"

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“Magic Carpet” Workshop at the BA

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina organizes an online workshop titled “The Magic Carpet… Tales from the World of Arab Imagination” for children and young people aged 7 – 18. It will take place from Thursday, 15 July 2021 to Wednesday, 15 September 2021. The workshop will introduce children and young ...

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Diverse Summer Activities at the BA Manuscript Museum

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The BA Manuscript Museum, in collaboration with the Children’s and Young People’s libraries, is organizing a number of activities for school students during their summer vacation. The events are going to be held from 4 June to 19 August 2018. The activities will include a series of lectures, ...

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Let’s Speak French Together: The History of Modern Egypt

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The BA Francophone Activities Center, in cooperation with the Manuscript Museum, is organizing a workshop titled “Let’s Speak French Together: The History of Modern Egypt”. The workshop will be held every Sunday at the BACC Hexagon from 10:00 am–3:00 pm, starting from Sunday, 15 February 2015. The ...

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