First Lectures Within Political Awareness Training Program

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The BA Futuristic Studies Unit holds its first lectures within the Political Awareness Training Program. The first of these is entitled “The Economic Scene in Egypt After the Revolution” given by Dr. Ahmed Ramadan Neamatallah, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, and ...

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Shakespeare Annual Conference 2011

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The BA organized on Monday, 4 April 2011, its Annual Shakespeare Conference entitled “The Politics of Power in Shakespeare’s History Plays”, with the attendance of students and lovers of literature. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, gave a presentation in which he ...

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Launching the Arab Oud House

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The BA Arts Center holds a concert on Wednesday, 6 April 2011 on the occasion of launching the Arab Oud (Lute) House at the BA, conducted by Nasser Chamma. The Arab Oud House teaches children (from the age of 8) and adults to play oriental instruments, under the supervision of prominent ...

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The 25th January Revolution Documentaries Competition

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The BA Arts Center announces the call for participation for a documentary competition entitle “Echoes of the Revolution”. Participating films should be inspired by the spirit of 25th January Revolution, and should not exceed an hour. Click here for the Guidelines (in Arabic). Documentaries are ...

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The Future of the Student Movement After 25 January

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The BA Futuristic Studies Unit holds a seminar entitled “The Future of the Student Movement After 25 January” on Tuesday, 5 April 2011. The Seminar hosts a number of youth activists, namely Emad Mubarak, Lawyer and Chair of the “Freedom of Thought and Expression” Association; Mohamed Abd El-Salam, ...

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