A Keynote Lecture by Serageldin at KAUST

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, gave a keynote presentation on Monday, 21 January 2013, at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. Entitled “Building a Global Knowledge Society”, the lecture described the major social and ...

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“From Sykes-Picot to the Arab Spring” Lecture

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The BA Unit of Futuristic Studies holds on Sunday, 20 January 2013, a lecture entitled “From Sykes-Picot to the Arab Spring: The Cycle of History” by Researcher Mohamed Sabet. The lecture presents a comparison between the Western plans of reshaping the Middle Eastern map in the aftermath of the ...

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Poetry Workshop in French

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The BA Francophone Library hold a Poetry Workshop in French from Sunday 20 to Wednesday 23 January 2012. The workshop includes a theoretical introduction to poetry and its different forms throughout the centuries, in addition to the different poetry movements and the most eminent poets. The ...

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The New Arab Debates

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The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation hosts on Monday, 21 January 2013, renowned TV journalist Tim Sebastian for the televised New Arab Debates. Held in English, the debate is entitled "This house believes that Egypt is becoming dangerously divided and intolerant". On the following day a ...

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Daycare Mid-year Program

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The BA Daycare holds a mid-year program for children under six years old during the mid-year vacation from Sunday 20 January to Thursday 7 February 2013. The activities vary to include mind games, coloring and drawing, handcrafts and watching cartoons. Special lectures and presentations are also ...

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