Search results for "Arts Center"

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Works of Alexander Saroukhan in an Exhibition at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center, in corporation with the Armenian General Benevolent Union of Cairo (AGBU Cairo), organizes an exhibition for the works of the renowned cartoonist/caricaturist Alexander Saroukhan (1 October 1898–1 January 1977) from 9 to 28 December 2009. The Exhibition displays ...

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The BA International Biennale for Miniature Graphics

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Alexandria— The Arts Center organizes the First Round of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Biennale for Miniature Graphics from 9 December 2009 to 25 January 2010. The Biennale is an amazing display of technical, aesthetic and symbolic innovations. Being an international event, styles ...

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“Embossing Copper Foil” Workshop

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center Child and Adolescent Creative Unit is organizing a workshop entitled “Embossing Copper Foil” on 19 and 20 March 2009. Supervised by Ahmed El-Shennawy, the Workshop targets children and young people between 12 and 17 years old. It will take place at the Alexandria ...

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