Launch of the International Librarianship Training Program

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The BA Information Services Department has announced the launch of the International Librarianship Training Program (ILTP) and its Website (in Arabic). The Program aims to train library information specialists in professional skills in the field of library services and information centers, and ...

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Training Course in Futuristic Studies

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The BA Unit of Futuristic Studies holds from 15 to 18 September 2014 a training course on Futuristic Studies. The Course provides an introduction to futuristic studies, their main concepts and methodologies, and an orientation about futuristic studies in Egypt. It is moderated by Ambassador Azmy ...

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Montazah: The Royal Palaces and Gardens

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The BA has recently published Montazah: The Royal Palaces and Gardens by Dr. Mohamed Awad, Architect and Advisor to the BA Director. The 250-pages book presents a historical and architectural documentation of Montazah, providing a touristic guide with its rare photos, drawings and maps that ...

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IDEO Offers the BA its Publications

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The Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO) in Cairo has recently offered the BA all its publications. Adrien Candiard, o.p. visited the BA and presented the gift, including the Institute’s periodical Mélanges de l’Institut Dominicain d’Etudes Orientales (MIDEO). Published every two ...

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French Conversation Workshop

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Within the “Let’s Speak French Together” series of workshops, the BA Francophone Activities Center (CAF) holds a conversation workshop moderated by Emmanuel Batuyingila. Sessions are held on Sundays for senior schools students, and on Tuesdays for adults (above 18 years old) from 3 to 4:30 pm at ...

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