Search results for "Arts Center"

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Saqqara Exhibition

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Alexandria — the BA Arts Center is organizing the Saqqara Exhibition from Tuesday, 1 August and will last for 33 days. The exhibition will feature excavations discovered by the Egyptian Antiquities Department affiliated to Louvre, chaired by Ms Christiane Ziegler in Saqqara area from ...

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Alexandrian Thoughts Exhibition

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Alexandria — the BA Arts Center is organizing several artistic exhibitions reflecting human creativity and expressing different thoughts and perceptions of a certain generation or civilization. In this context, the Arts Center will be holding an important exhibition from 15-28 August entitled ...

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Granite Sculpture Exhibition

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Granite Sculpture Exhibition Alexandria — As part of the BA’s interest in different arts and sciences to enrich humanity, and its efforts to revive the ancient Library of Alexandria, the BA Arts Center will hold an exhibition from Saturday, 15 July until 31 August featuring the outcomes of the ...

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The Portuguese Exhibition

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Alexandria — Being interested in the intellectual prosperity of the sciences and arts that form human heritage, and while aspiring to revive the legacy of the old Library of Alexandria as a beacon of science and culture. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts Center is organizing an exhibition entitled ...

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Arts Center Competitions

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Alexandria— As a part of the International Summer Festival (Fifth Edition) the Arts Center, an affiliate to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, is organizing music competition, from 30 June - 6 August, and plastic art competition from 3-28 August. The competitions are targeting Egyptians. Read the ...

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