The BA Launches the PSC School Year Program 2019/2020

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The BA Planetarium Science Center launches its School Year Program 2019/2020, which offers school students a comprehensive edutainment scientific experience, specifically tailored to their academic calendar. The program includes workshops, “super science shows”, lectures, fieldtrips, camps, ...

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Cavafy Symposium 2019

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Following the huge success of  the Cavafy Symposium 2017, the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, in cooperation with the BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med), the Ministries of Culture of Greece and Egypt, Cairo Opera House and the Greek Cultural Center, and under the ...

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The BA Organizes “Africa Talks Education" Conference

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The BA Library Sector organizes a conference entitled “Africa Talks Education: For a Better Tomorrow”, on Tuesday, 24 September 2019, in the BACC Small Theater. The conference comes as part of the BA scientific and cultural events that aim to support national development and sustain the country’s ...

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