Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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Call for Hassan Fathi Award for Architecture 2012

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med) announces the call for Hassan Fathi Award for Architecture 2012 under the theme “New Comprehensive Developments and Cityscapes” recognizing the importance of these projects in urban development. The BA is also reopening the call for the ...

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Voices from Cosmopolitan Alexandria

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Alexandria— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina celebrates on 9 November the book launch of Voices from Cosmopolitan Alexandria: an oral narrative of cosmopolitan Alexandria. Prepared by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina"s Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med), the book is funded by the ...

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The First Arab Book Fair in Alexandria

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Alexandria- the BA will participate in the First Arab Book Fair to be held in Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria from 23 August until 1st September 2006. The book fair will comprise 92 pavilions, in which 80 publishers from more than 12 Arab States will participate. The Arab states participating in the ...

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