Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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Bibliotheca Alexandrina commemorates Prince Omar Toussoun

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Alexandria, 15 February 2005— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing a celebration in commemoration of Prince Omar Toussoun, Prince of Alexandria, on 17 February 2005, in the West Hall at the BA Conference Center. During the celebration, BA will receive a donation of his publications from ...

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Celebrates Second Anniversary

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria conveyed a message from Her Excellency Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, to an audience of the Library’s International Friends Association, on the occasion of celebrating the second anniversary of the inauguration of the BA. The message related Mrs. ...

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Music and Plastic Arts Celebrate Their Second Year at the BA

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Under the auspices and continuous support of the H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak in celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the inauguration of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Arts Center will be organizing and hosting a festival of artistic, musical and cultural presentations throughout the month of ...

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Book Launch: The History of the British in Alexandria

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) organized a ceremony to celebrate the launching of the book The History of the British in Alexandria by Dr. Carole Escoffey. The event was held on Tuesday, 5 March 2024, and attended by Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the BA; Mr. Mathew ...

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