The BA Organizes an Ancient Greek Language Course (Level I)

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The BA Writing and Scripts Center organizes an ancient Greek language course (level 1), from 3 to 28 November 2021, delivered by Ms. Rana El-Zalabany, researcher at the Center. Level I targets archaeology and tour guiding students, together with researchers and those with general interest in ...

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“Draw and Discover” Competition 2021

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum organizes a competition entitled “Draw and Discover” for participants in the Museum Education Program aged 12–16 years old. The Antiquities Museum, which attaches particular importance to the Museum Education Program, presents this annual competition ...

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“Supporting Women out of Crisis” in a Seminar at the BA

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The BA Women Studies and Social Transformation Program (WSST), in cooperation with the National Council for Women (Alexandria branch), organizes a seminar entitled “Supporting Women out of Crisis” on Tuesday, 26 October 2021, at 1:00 pm, in the BACC Delegates Hall. The seminar aims to raise the ...

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