YP Library Summer Activities Program 2022

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The BA Young People's Library announces its 2022 summer activities program, which includes several artistic, cultural, educational, and scientific activities. The program runs from Sunday, 12 June 2022 to Wednesday, 31 August 2022. To view the full program, please click here . To view ...

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“Editing Folkloric Texts” Forum at the BA

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The BA Manuscripts Center organizes a forum titled “Editing Folkloric Texts” from 22 to 23 June 2022, in the BACC Lecture Hall. It tackles certain aspects such as Arabic folkloric heritage, its streams and manifestations, the reality of folkloric manuscripts in Arab countries, the importance ...

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BA Manuscripts Museum’s Summer Activities

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The BA Manuscripts Museum organizes a series of free lectures and workshops for schoolchildren aged 10 – 14, under the title “Arabs and Medicine” during the summer vacation, from 29 June to 31 August 2022. The events aim at introducing the Arab heritage of manuscripts, as well as the most ...

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Call for Art Trainers at the BA

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The BA Arts Center announces a call for new trainers to conduct workshops for children in the following fine art forms: cinema, plastic arts, and theater. Requirements: An appropriate degree in the area of specialization. Previous experience in children’s training. Please send your CV to ...

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