Search results for "Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med)"

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BA Launches Hassan Fathy Award for Architecture 2014

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The BA, in collaboration with the Architecture Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture, announced the Hassan Fathy Award for Architecture 2014, which aims to promote contemporary Egyptian architecture, spread cultural awareness of architecture and its importance in society, and ...

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“Architectural Video Mapping” Workshop

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In the framework of the “International Augmented Med” project (IAM) funded by the European Union, the Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) organizes a workshop entitled “Architectural Video Mapping” from 3 to 6 June 2013. Being the first of its kind, the purpose of this workshop ...

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Call for the “Hassan Fathi Architectural Award” 2010

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med), in collaboration with the Architecture Committee of the Egyptian Supreme Council for Culture, announced the second round of the “Hassan Fathi Architectural Award”, in an aim to promote contemporary Egyptian architecture, and to honor ...

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