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Everyman in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading session in English on Wednesday, 8 October 2008. Participants will read Everyman . Everyman is a late 15th century English morality play. It achieves a beautiful, simple solemnity in treating allegorically the theme ...

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Pygmalion in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading session in English on Wednesday, 9 July 2008. Participants will read Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw. George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright. Born in Dublin, he moved to London at the ...

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The Cocktail Party in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading session in English on Wednesday, 11 June 2008. Participants will read The Cocktail Party by T. S. Eliot. The Cocktail Party was first performed at the Edinburgh Festival in 1949, and in 1950 it had successful runs in ...

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Ghosts in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading session in English on Wednesday, 14 May 2008. Participants will read Ghosts by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. The play tells the story of Helene Alving, a mother who is trying to protect her only son, Osvald ...

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The Merchant of Venice in a Play Reading at the BA

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Alexandria— The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading session in English on Wednesday, 9 April 2008. Participants will read The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, in which Bassanio, a young ...

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