The BA Organizes "A Digital Perspective on Egyptian and Italian Cultural Heritage: A Joint Cultural Virtual Tour" Exhibition

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The BA Antiquities Museum organized "A Digital Perspective on Egyptian and Italian Cultural Heritage: A Joint Cultural Virtual Tour" exhibition, on Wednesday, 11 October 2023, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the BA; H.E. Ambassador Riccardo Guariglia, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; and Mr. Pietro Vacanti Perco, Deputy Italian Ambassador to Egypt. The event was presented by Dr. Hussein Abdel Bassir, Director of the BA Antiquities Museum.

Dr. Ahmed Zayed stressed that Egypt and Italy share a long history of cooperation from ancient times till the present day, as many Romans visited and resided in Egypt, and many Italians lived in Egypt and still do, especially in Alexandria, which is a multicultural city, noting that the BA has been a major partner in Egyptian-Italian cultural relations since its establishment.

For his part, Ambassador Riccardo Guariglia presented Dr. Ahmed Zayed with a "digital key" of information as a gift, and, accompanied by his delegation, he toured the Antiquities and Manuscripts Museums, and enjoyed a virtual tour of the BA museums and the Italian tourist destinations, through devices connected to virtual reality glasses.


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