“Icons in History, Literature and Rituals” Course

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The BA Center for Coptic Studies holds the “Icons in History, Literature and Rituals” training course by Dr. Youhanna Nessim Youssef, Professor of Coptic Studies, Australian Catholic University, from 11 and 15 June 2013, at the Virgin, Flower of Carmel Church, Boulaq Abu El-Ela, Cairo.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time such a course is held in Egypt, for Egyptian and World churches and museums are full of historic icons that have artistic significance for students of antiquities and the history of art.

The course offers a comprehensive study of icons, thus opening up new horizons in the field. It comes within a series of specialized courses that aim to introduce Coptic culture and heritage as one important source of the Egyptian culture.

For more information and for registration, click here.
