Dr. Serageldin Welcomes Sarajevo Library Directors

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On 7 June, Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) received Enes Kujundzic and Mustafa Jahic, the directors of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Gazi Husrev-Begova Library, respectively.The meeting was attended by the Bosnian Chargé d’Affaire, Saleh Bukarich and ambassador Taher Khalifa, Head of the External Relations Sector of the BA. Serageldin, Kujundzic and Jahic signed 3-year cooperation agreements between the BA and the two Sarajevo libraries.

Jahic said that one of the important aspects of the agreement between the Gazi Husrev- Begova Library and the BA was the exchange of expertise in the field of manuscript restoration. The BA has the technical capacity and specialists to handle big restoration projects, while the Gazi Husrev- Begova has a large collection of manuscripts in several oriental languages, including Arabic, many in need of urgent restoration.
