Family of Lebanese Poet Gawdt Hiedar Donates a Collection of His Poems to the BA

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Alexandria— The Donations Unit at the BA received valuable books from the family of late Gawdt Rostom Hiedar, Renowned Lebanese Poet and Founder of "Literature Oasis" in Beqaa. Dr. Sohair Wastawy, Head of the Library Services Sector, stated that the Heidar's family requested that the books be made available for the Library visitors. The collection is a group of the poet's works, in addition to a collection of books on Arabic literature as well as several novels.

On the other hand, family of late Dr. El-Said Abdel Halim El-Zayat, Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, donated to the BA a collection of his books on Sociology, amounting to 1246 books, and 104 scientific journals.


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