The Closing Session of the Education Reform in Egypt Conference

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Alexandria, 11 December 2004

Friday, 10 December 2004 witnessed the closing session of the Education Reform in Egypt conference. Organized by the Arab Reform Forum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the conference summed up its activities after 3 days of valuable discussions and presentations. It presented a vast range of recommendations crucial for solving the problems facing education in Egypt and the other issues that were raised in the eight panels of the conference.

The resolutions presented by each of the eight panels offered a comprehensive overview of the status quo of the issue under scrutiny, as well as reasons for needed development and the mechanics of progress and future visions and policies. The eight panels of discussion were:

  • Reform issues at the stage of pre-school education
  • Reform issues at the stage of pre-university education
  • Reform issues at the stage of higher education
  • Reform issues related to academic and scientific research
  • Reforming training programs—vocational rehabilitation, and continuous education
  • Issues of reform in adult educating and illiteracy eradication
  • Reform of the educational identity
  • The role of Libraries in the development of education and scientific research
