The BA Launches the Second Issue of the Arab Observatory Report

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Alexandria— The BA launches the second issue of the Arab Observatory Report, which is an attempt to monitor and measure the reform efforts on all levels in the Arab world on 15 October 2009.

The importance of this observatory lies in its ability to measure the status of reform in the Arab world objectively and transparently, based on precise measurable indicators, which help in following up and evaluating reform efforts according to standards that allow comparing the level of reform across different countries and following up the pace of reform within time frames.

Last year, the BA launched the first issue of the Arab Observatory Report on the fringe lines of the Arab Reform Forum, as a result of the recommendations of the First Arab Reform Conference held at the BA in March 2004 and the Alexandria Declaration.

This report is part of the Library’s endeavors to highlight reform issues. It adopts a statistical scientific approach in analyzing the results of public surveys and opinion polls on certain issues.


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