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16 May 2024 - 16 May 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Cinema | Open For Public

Directed by: Aly Badrakhan The film revolves around two brothers who suffer from poverty, when one of them marries a wealthy woman and gains money and power, which made him turn away from the poor to his own interests. The other brother defends the rights of the poor, and as famine worsens, the revolution takes place ...

9 May 2024 - 9 May 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Cinema | Open For Public

Directed by: Kamal El Sheikh. The film revolves around a young man who stole because of his poverty, and then was misled by a journalist who justified the theft as a legal deed against the rich. The thief is imprisoned after his wife and his best friend cheat on him, and after his release from prison, he thinks only of ...

8 May 2024 - 8 May 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Presentation | Open For Public

30 Apr 2024 - 30 Apr 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Cinema | Open For Public

The presentation will be followed by a screening of the film Ghazal El Banat (The Flirtation of Girls).

18 Apr 2024 - 18 Apr 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Cinema | Open For Public

Directed by: John Lee Thompson. The Germans control the sea at the Greek island of Navarone with two massive guns. As this makes it impossible to evacuate British troops to a neighboring island, a special team is sent to destroy the powerful guns. The film is in English with English closed-captions.