As a part of the 5th International Summer Festival, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts Center is hosting theater groups from different parts of the world to perform plays over the course of eight days.

10 August 2006 Bent Benout
11 August 2006 Zendora Dance Company
12 August 2006 Trojan women
13 August 2006 The Triangle’s Sonata
14 August 2006 Triesta – Alessandria
Embarked – The Story of Alexandrines
15 August 2006 Al Hoga
16 August 2006 Al Makamat
17 August 2006 The Phase



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Great Hall 10 - 17 August 2006 21:00 23:00 Theater Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 10 - 17 August 2006 21:00 23:00 Theater Open For Public